
Neon Blues: The Whole Shebang

Created by Void Gate Games

A Neon-Noir Tabletop RPG from a Chicago-based company.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Out Tomorrow
10 months ago – Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 09:41:05 AM

Good Afternoon, 

Thank you to everyone who responded to the test emails. Emails will be sent out tomorrow to everybody. Your email link will take you to the BackerKit pledge manager where you will be able to provide your address for shipping and purchase any add ons you might want, such as extra sticker sets or coasters. 

The Pledge Manager will be open from 11/20/2023 until 12/20/2023. 


Pledge Manager Emails and Update
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 10:56:42 AM

Good Afternoon, 

By now a few emails have gone out for the pledge manager. Thank you to those that have already responded! This first batch of emails are part of the BackerKit testing process that makes sure the pledge manager is working correctly. 

Once a few more responses are received we will be sending out emails to everybody for the pledge manager and another update will be posted. 

For the update:

Everything is currently on track and we are working on the formatting for Stories from the Stacks. We look forward to getting you into the stacks to make your own stories!

Successfully Funded!
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 10:23:55 AM

Thank you to everyone who helped to bring Neon Blues: The Whole Shebang to life! 

What happens from here?

Emails will be sent out soon with information for the BackerKit pledgemanager. With Backerkit you will be able to purchase any add ons you might want as well as select and pay for shipping. 

Stay tuned for more updates and we look forward to getting you into the Stacks!

3 Days left! -Sticker Reveal-
11 months ago – Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 10:25:58 AM

Dear Backers, 

First off we want to apologize for being quiet when it comes to updates. Life gets busy with jobs, kids, and more.  Please know that as we reach the end of the campaign we'll be keeping you all updated as we wrap up what is left. 

In addition we wanted to thank everyone who has pledged their support to this project. We're in the midst of wrapping up some final art and dropping all our content in the book!

In addition, please check out the below reveal of all 8 MTA Stop themed stickers Perfect for laptops and notebooks alike!

Once again, thank you for all your support and stay tuned for further updates. 

See you in the stacks!

Retail Option Now Available! - Limited
12 months ago – Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 03:12:17 PM

First off, a huge thanks to everyone who came back from our original campaign as well as everyone new to the campaign. 

Sitting at 99% and with 21 days left in the new campaign, we're hoping to push beyond our 1500 goal! That being said after some consideration and requests on the behalf of a few of our retail friends we have decided to introduce a retail pledge option! 

This pledge will get you 6 copies of Neon Blues: The Whole Shebang! Note that this does not come with the stickers, coasters, and PDFs. 

If you have any questions about the retail pledge, please feel free to message us directly at [email protected].

Thanks again, and see you in the stacks!