
Neon Blues: The Whole Shebang

Created by Void Gate Games

A Neon-Noir Tabletop RPG from a Chicago-based company.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books Have Arrived!
4 months ago – Fri, May 17, 2024 at 09:39:06 PM

The Whole Shebang books have arrived!

Books, coasters, and stickers are being prepared for distribution. We will be posting updates about where and when local pickup options become available. 

A single page version of the PDF will also be distributed soon via email. We will post an update when the emails are sent. 

On Saturday May 18th we will be at Alley Cat Comics. Stop by to talk Neon Blues, Hollow, and all things Void Gate Games. Bring your ID if you would like to pick up your copy of the Whole Shebang!

See you in the Stacks!

PDF and Physical Distribution
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 09:04:18 PM

As you read this your PDF copy of Stories from the Stacks is available! 

 Physical books will be arriving in the coming weeks and shipped to you great people! 

For those that chose local pickup we will be posting an update soon that includes pickup locations around Chicagoland. 

See you in the Stacks!

Status Update: April Release and Pick-up planning
6 months ago – Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 08:14:56 PM

First off we wanted to thank everyone for their patience as we get Neon Blues: The Whole Shebang! in to your hands. 

That being said we also wanted to apologize for missing our March release. We are a VERY small team of three with specific skills and tasks and unfortunately March was a difficult month for our team. HOWEVER, we are back in the saddle and dotting our I's and crossing our T's. 

As we proofread our final pdfs before they get sent to the printers, we're speaking with local shops and supporters to help with planning a pick up dates and locations. So for those who opt for pick-up please keep an eye out! 

Once again, we thank you for your support and patience, and we'll see you in the stacks!

March 1st Update
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 09:45:45 PM


A quick update for the beginning of March. Stories from the Stacks files will be distributed in the coming weeks. Once Stories from the Stacks are sent out The Whole Shebang, stickers, and coasters will be soon to follow!

Core Book PDF Distributed!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 01, 2024 at 08:31:32 PM

Happy New Year!

The Neon Blues 2nd Edition core book PDF files have just been sent out. The Stories from the Stacks PDF will be distributed in the coming weeks. 

If you pledged for a PDF and did not get an email please let us know. 

For anyone attending the Midwinter Gaming Convention in a couple of weeks stop by the Void Gate Games booth and we would love to chat about news and updates!